NEW: Project Booklets
These free booklets summarise some of the key themes from the In All Our Footsteps project for public audiences. Click on the titles below to read and/or download them.
Accessible Ways by Abbi Flint
Citizenship by Glen O’Hara
Healthy Ways by Clare Hickman
Mapping Rights of Way by Tom Breen
Working on Paths by Abbi Flint and Tom Breen
Flint, A., ‘“Songs for Ramblers” and “Songs by the Way”: Paths and Trails as Vernacular Contexts for Singing in the Early Twentieth Century’, Folklore (forthcoming).
O’Hara, G., ‘“In All Our Footsteps”: Access to the Land in Historical Perspective’, History and Policy - Policy Papers (December 2024).
Flint, A., ‘Poetry, Paths and Peatlands: Integrating Poetic Inquiry Within Landscape Heritage Research’, Landscape Research 49, 1 (2024), pp. 4-14.
Hickman, C., ‘The Importance of “Open-Air” for Health: Environmental and Medical Intersections in Modern Britain’ in Konrad, T. (ed.), Imagining Air: Cultural Axiology and the Politics of Invisibility (Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 2023: Open Access), pp. 180-99.
Flint, A., ‘Weather and Walking: Sensing Snow on Suburban Paths and Trails.’ The Goose 20, 1, article 33 (2023).
Breen, T., Flint, A., Hickman, C. and O’Hara, G., ‘Whose Right to Roam? Contesting Access to England’s Land’, Journal of Transport History 44, 2 (2023), pp. 276-307.
Breen, T., ‘Your Favourite Walk May Have an Expiry Date’, The Conversation, 17 Apr2023.
Hickman, C. and O’Hara, G , ‘Delineating the Landscape: Planning, Mapping and the Historic Imaginings of Rights of Way in Twentieth-Century England and Wales’ in Svensson, D., Saltzman, K. and Sörlin, S. (eds.), Pathways: Exploring the Routes of a Movement Heritage (Winwick, Cambridgeshire: White Horse Press, Open Access) , pp. 56-73.