Mapping in various formats has been at the heart of the AHRC project, ‘In All Our Footsteps: Tracking, Mapping and Experiencing Rights of Way in Post-War Britain’ which has run from April 2021 to September 2024. During this roundtable session members of the project team will introduce their work and reflect on the different ways in which mapping has informed as well as allowed them to engage others with their research - from the recording and recovery of physical rights of way to current methods of creative mapping. We will present three short 10 minute provocations from the team before opening the floor to a wider discussion with delegates where we will ask them to reflect on the ways in which mapping has informed and aided their own work, as there are a myriad of ways in which maps and mapping are used in teaching, research and engagement and each individual, discipline and sub-discipline can learn from the others. We will encourage small group discussion to make the session interactive and provide an inclusive forum for the sharing of knowledge and experience beyond our own.
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